People count more than numbers

Ireland Stares Down Major Changes to its Tax System

As the OECD’s deadline for finalising major reforms to the global tax system draws near, the Irish government recently opened a public consultation on the deal as it considers its future: Ireland is notably one of the holdouts on the agreement, which has seen some 131 countries sign up to the deal that includes setting […]

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Directors – impact of Debt Warehousing

Revenue issued updated guidance on the impact of Debt Warehousing where a director/employee holds a material interest in a company. In summary, if your employer has warehoused and not paid its PAYE liability in full, then a director/employee that has a material interest in the company will not be entitled to a full credit for […]

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TWSS Reconciliation

TWSS Reconciliation’s have now been issued by Revenue and should be available on ROS under Additional Services. You should review the amount due, and if correct, accept the reconciliation and arrange to pay the correct amount.  If you dispute the amount you should use ‘upload subsidy paid’ option in the reconciliation page If you require […]

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