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Revenue says to work with businesses hit by storm Éowyn

Revenue’s Collector General says Revenue will work with businesses negatively impacted by storm Éowyn.

Joe Howley said Revenue understands that many of those impacted are not in a position to file returns because they do not have power, or may be facing longer term problems if their businesses have been damaged.

“We will be pragmatic in our approach where the taxpayers or their agents have been delayed in filing returns or making payments due to the power outages and internet connectivity issues that they’re facing at the moment,” he said.

Mr Howley said returns from Christmas were due the day before the storm hit.

The vast majority of businesses are compliant, he said, and Revenue expects the majority did manage to file returns.

He said the tax collectors are also conscious that other businesses may have been putting preparations in place for the storm, and urged them to talk to Revenue.

Mr Howley added that Revenue also understood that some businesses may face much longer term impacts if their premises were damaged by the storm and they are unable to trade.

In these instances, Revenue will agree a mutually acceptable phased payment with them, he told Morning Ireland, or give them a payment break.

Article Source – Revenue says to work with businesses hit by storm Éowyn – RTE

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