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GDPR Update

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes in to force on 25 May 2018. Organisations are required to review how they collect and store personal data, as well as how they contact customers and clients, to ensure compliance with the new Regulation.

The consequences for organisations of being in breach of the GDPR can include large fines and/or being sued by data subjects. Compliance could also put your organisation at a competitive advantage. Now is the time for businesses to check and ensure they have made the changes necessary to be GDPR Ready.

In response to requests from many clients, we present an easy to follow booklet which has been created by Chartered Accountants Ireland and which most importantly sets out 12 fundamental steps to GDPR Compliance.

It may well be necessary to seek further professional advices on some of the detailed circumstances that will undoubtedly arise in specific cases.

GDPR Booklet GDPR Booklet (2502 KB)


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